El Monstruo de La Laguna
Steps to assemble it:
Start by placing the top of the desk on the floor, making sure the holes are facing up.
Next, position one of the legs on the left side of the desk, making sure the largest holes in the legs are facing the inside of the desk.
Slide the horizontal board into the outer holes of the left leg.
Next, place the other leg into the holes on the right side of the desk, making sure to insert the horizontal board at the same time into the outer holes of the right leg.
Place a screw on the outside of each leg and tighten with the provided allen wrench. Repeat this step with the other paw.
Next, take the small pieces of wood and place them into the remaining holes in the legs, making sure the screw hole is facing up. Next, insert a screw into each piece of wood and tighten them with the allen wrench. These pieces will serve to keep the top part attached to the legs.
La Laguna
Steps to assemble it
- Start by placing the right leg face up , making sure the holes are facing up.
- Next, take the thin teak stick and slide it into the larger hole at the bottom of the leg.
- Then, take the chair seat (white board) and fit it into any of the rows of 6 holes. Use the lowest ones for babies up to 1 year old, the middle ones for ages 1 to 2.5 years, and the highest ones for children approximately 2.5 to 4 years old.
- Next, take the back of the chair (the large teak board) and fit it into the two highest holes on the chair.
- Now, take the left leg of the chair and begin to fit it into the corresponding holes in the following order: 1. Horizontal stick. 2.Seat. 3. Backup
- Finally, take two screws and tighten them into the outer holes of the left leg with the help of the provided allen wrench.
- Turn the chair and repeat the previous step with the right leg.
- Ready!
Peggy Sue
Instrucciones de Instalación: Pegboard
- 2 expanders de concreto
- 2 tornillos
- Posiciona el pegboard en la pared a la altura deseada.
- Coloca un trozo de tape a lo largo de la parte trasera del pegboard, cubriendo los agujeros de los tornillos, desde el extremo izquierdo hasta el derecho. Esto te ayudará a marcar la ubicación exacta de los agujeros.
- Marca los puntos de los agujeros en el tape.
- Pega el tape en la pared donde vas a instalar, asegurándote de que esté recto.
- Perfora en los puntos marcados en el tape.
- Coloca los expanders de concreto en los agujeros.
- Atornilla parcialmente los tornillos en los expanders, dejando un pequeño espacio.
- Monta el pegboard en los tornillos y ajústalo bien.
Tip: Usa el tape para marcar y transferir los puntos de los agujeros a la pared sin errores.
¡Listo! Tu pegboard está instalado y listo para usar.